Thursday, November 16, 2023

Duncan Stewart - Captured in Battle and Indentured in America

Duncan STEWART [Dunkin Steward, Stuart] was the son of a local Scottish lord, Duncan Stewart, and his wife, Helen Margaret Campbell. Born in Kilmadock, Perthshire, Scotland about 1623, his life was one of privilege, but not idle wealth. He and his brother, Alexander, became skilled in the fighting arts, and so were ready to defend King Charles II against the notorious Oliver Cromwell.

The Battle of Dunbar

Scotland declared Charles II as King of all Britain on 1 May 1650. A call was made to all Scotsmen to support him, and to build an army to defend him. Cromwell brought his army of 16,000 into Scotland on 22 July, against the Scottish force of over 22,000.

Indentured Servant

The British had so many prisoners, all young, strapping men, that they couldn't find room to keep them. So, they sold them to businessmen in America. The prisoners were forced to work without pay for a specified period of time (usually 7 years), with no rights or privileges. At the end of their contract, they would be free.

Duncan and Alexander were both transported to Ipswich, Massachusetts as indentured servants to George Hadley, shipbuilder.

Marriage and Family

Duncan met Ann Winchurst [Winehurst], another indentured servant, and (according to Torrey) they married around April of 1654, probably in Ipswich. Sometime before they were married, they were whipped for fornication by order of the church. 

In Jun 1657, their first child, Catherine, was born.


In 1659, they moved to Newbury, Massachusetts, where they bought a farm and lived for about 30 years.

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