Sunday, June 26, 2022

Were the Puritans a cult?

My English ancestors came during the Puritan days, which makes me reflect on my Puritan heritage. Turns out, they weren't all Puritans. The non-religious, Congregationalists, and those who believed in God but didn't practice a religion were also among the settlers. Who knew?

The Pilgrims shouldn't be confused with the Puritans. The Puritans and the Pilgrims were two distinct groups of English Protestant settlers who came to America in the early 17th century, but they differed in their religious beliefs and motivations. The Pilgrims, also known as Separatists, completely separated from the Church of England and formed their own congregations.They believed the Church of England was corrupt and could not be reformed. In contrast, the Puritans remained within the Church of England but sought to purify and reform it from within.

The Puritans were a contradictory lot; preaching one thing and practicing another. They believed, for example, that you were predestined to go to Heaven. Or where ever. Nothing you could do could get you into Heaven if God didn't want you there. So what was the point in being "good?" It seems like it didn't matter. And don't get me started on the whole land-grab thing, and then wondering why Indians attacked when you stole their crops and killed their women and children.

What do Puritans have in common with cults?

  1. Authoritarian Leadership: A central, charismatic leader who exercises absolute control over members and often claims special knowledge or divine insight. The Puritans were led by influential religious leaders who exercised significant control over the community's beliefs and practices.
  2. Isolation: Cults often isolate members from family, friends, and society to maintain control and discourage dissenting viewpoints. The Puritans often isolated themselves from mainstream society, creating close-knit, self-sufficient communities to maintain their religious purity and practices.
  3. Exclusivity: Cults typically believe they are the only true path to salvation or enlightenment and discourage association with non-members. Puritans believed they were chosen to create a "city upon a hill," setting a moral example for others but maintaining a sense of exclusivity and separation from those not adhering to their strict religious codes.
  4. Us vs. Them Mentality: Cults foster a strong sense of in-group vs. out-group, creating an environment of distrust towards outsiders and reinforcing loyalty within the group. The Puritans had a strong sense of being a distinct group with a divine mission, often viewing those outside their community as morally inferior or damned.
  5. Exploitation: Members are often exploited financially, emotionally, or physically, with resources and labor benefiting the leadership. Puritan leaders exercised control over various aspects of members' lives, including religious practices, moral conduct, and even personal behavior, such as dress and social interactions.
  6. Coercive Persuasion: Cults use intense indoctrination methods, including thought-reform practices, to influence members' beliefs and behaviors. The Puritans excelled at coercive control.
    • Public Shaming and Humiliation: Puritans used public punishments, such as placing offenders in stocks or pillories, to shame individuals for moral or religious transgressions. This served as a deterrent to others.
    • Excommunication and Banishment: Those who violated the community's religious or moral codes could be excommunicated from the church or banished from the community entirely, effectively cutting them off from their social and spiritual support systems.
    • Mandatory Church Attendance: Attendance at church services was compulsory, and those who failed to attend regularly faced fines or other penalties. This ensured conformity and control over religious practices.
    • Sumptuary Laws: The Puritans enforced strict dress codes to prevent ostentation and promote modesty. These laws dictated what individuals could wear based on their social status, and violators faced fines or other penalties.
    • Moral Policing: Community members were encouraged to report on each other’s behavior, creating a culture of surveillance and mutual policing. This extended to private matters, such as adherence to Sabbath observance and proper conduct.
    • Blasphemy and Heresy Trials: Individuals accused of blasphemy, heresy, or witchcraft were subjected to trials, which could result in severe punishments, including execution. These trials reinforced religious orthodoxy and instilled fear of dissent.
    • Censorship of Literature and Speech: The Puritans censored books and other materials that were considered morally or religiously inappropriate. They also restricted speech that challenged or questioned the community's beliefs and practices.
    • Economic Sanctions: Economic penalties, such as fines or confiscation of property, were used against those who violated community norms. This had a significant impact, as economic survival often depended on being in good standing with the community.
    • Physical Punishment: Physical punishments, such as whipping or branding, were used for various offenses, reinforcing the consequences of deviating from accepted norms and behaviors.
  7. Control Over Personal Lives: Cults often dictate or heavily influence members' personal decisions, including relationships, employment, and daily activities. The Puritans exerted control over personal relationships, including marriage. Couples needed the approval of the community and church leaders, and marriages were often arranged to ensure they aligned with community values.
  8. Extreme Commitment: High demands for loyalty and commitment, often requiring members to cut ties with their past lives and fully devote themselves to the group. Members of Puritan communities were expected to demonstrate a high level of commitment to their faith, including regular church attendance, adherence to strict moral codes, and active participation in community life.
  9. Fear and Punishment: Use of fear, guilt, and punishment to maintain control and discourage questioning or leaving the group. The Puritans used fear of divine wrath and social ostracism to enforce conformity and maintain control. Those who deviated from accepted norms could face severe punishment, including public shaming, fines, or banishment.
  10. Secrecy: Cults frequently operate in secrecy, with teachings and practices revealed gradually to members, creating an environment of mystery and control. While the Puritans were not secretive in the same way modern cults might be, they did have a closed community structure where certain religious rites and community decisions were kept within the group.
  11. Promise of Fulfillment: Offering seemingly impossible promises of happiness, success, or salvation to attract and retain members. The Puritans believed in the promise of a pious, godly life leading to salvation and a better existence in the afterlife, motivating members to adhere strictly to their beliefs and practices.
  12. Uniformity and Conformity: Encouraging or enforcing uniformity in behavior, appearance, and beliefs to maintain group cohesion and control. There was a strong emphasis on uniformity in religious practice, dress, and behavior to maintain the community's cohesion and moral integrity.


Puritanism is still around today, but in different forms. After a generation, people turned away from Puritanism to have it be replaced in other forms.

Some examples are:

Evangelical Protestantism
Many evangelical Protestant denominations, such as Baptists, Presbyterians, and certain Methodist and Pentecostal churches, share similarities with Puritanism. These include:

  • Emphasis on personal conversion and a direct relationship with God[1][3]
  • Strict adherence to biblical literalism and moral codes[1][3]
  • Belief in predestination and the doctrine of election (being chosen by God)[1][3]
  • Promotion of values like hard work, self-discipline, and austerity[1][3]

Fundamentalist Christianity
Fundamentalist Christian groups, such as certain Baptist and non-denominational churches, exhibit Puritan-like traits:

  • Strict interpretation of the Bible and rejection of modern biblical criticism[1][3]
  • Emphasis on personal piety, moral purity, and separation from worldly influences[1][3]
  • Promotion of traditional gender roles and family values[1]

Anabaptist Traditions
Anabaptist traditions like the Amish, Mennonites, and Hutterites share some similarities with Puritanism:

  • Emphasis on simplicity, plainness, and separation from the world[1][3]
  • Strict moral codes and community discipline[1][3]
  • Promotion of values like hard work, self-denial, and humility[1][3]

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) and spin-offs
While not directly descended from Puritanism, the Mormon faith shares some values:

  • Emphasis on personal righteousness, moral purity, and family values[3]
  • Promotion of self-discipline, hard work, and education[3]
  • Strict adherence to religious codes and authority structures[3]

Note that while these modern religions share some traits with Puritanism, they have also evolved and adapted over time, and can differ significantly in other aspects of their beliefs and practices.[1][3]
